The Instagram Interview: Hannes Becker

One of Hannes’ many great landscape photos. For more, check out his Instagram.
1. Could you share a little bit about yourself, how you got started in photography, and when you joined Instagram?
I am a self taught, 21 year old German photographer based out of central Germany. It’s always fun exploring and capturing the beauty around me. My hometown is surrounded by fields and forest which makes it easy for me to follow my passion about landscapes.
I joined Instagram 2 ½ years ago, just for fun and sharing random stuff with my friends. Over the years Instagram got more and more serious and so the fun turned into a passion. This summer I started an education as a brand and product photographer, it feels awesome to work with photography everyday.
2. Do you use other platforms to market your photography?
No. And I don’t want to be on other platforms, also just don’t have the time besides Instagram to care about another platform and the community there. The Instagram community is awesome, I met great friends through Instagram and I try to meet people very often.
3. What advice would you give to a photographer looking to increase their visibility on Instagram?
Just don’t take Instagram too seriously, give your photos a clean edit and try to specialize your Instagram on one theme, like Landscapes, Streetphotography or Portrait, etc. And don’t try to copy somebody. Try to find your own style. People will love it and you will get attention on your photos.
4. What one thing would you say has made the biggest impact on you as a photographer?
I think my family and friends have made the biggest impact on me. They always believe in me and help when I need it.
5. Could you share a little about your shooting and editing process?
I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II and mirror-less Olympus OmD Em10 camera. Resulting photos are processed in Lightroom 5. Except the ones I take with my iPhone; I edit those shots just with Vsco Cam and Snapseed.
Hannes is one of my favourite photographers. He actually shoots with my favourite photographer @pangeaproductions. I find it really amazing and I’m envious that he gets to travel and take photos of nature a ton. I’m trying to market myself like this but end up in the city most of the time for paid shoots and as much as I love it. I just wish I could move to Germany and chase fog with these guys.